Junior STEM Program K – 3rd

In order to get credit for a completed project students need to do the following:

1)  Make sure the parent and student has registered.  You only have to do this once. Register HERE.

2) Send a photo of the completed project.

3) Send a YouTube link of a video of the project. The student does not have to be in the video, however, their voice should describe the project.

4) Send a 1/2 – 1 page description of the project talking about:
a)  Did it work the first time?
b) Did you have any problems making the project?
c) How did you solve any problems?
d) What did you learn from this project?

Send the Photo, YouTube video link, the description (Word or pdf format) to:  MississippiSTEMAcademy@gmail.com . Make the email subject:  Junior STEM, {student name}, {project name}

Here are the projects K – 3rd grade students can select from. You can do them in any order.

Parents: Always work with your student on these projects and emphasize and teach safety, organization, and clean-up.

Exploring Ice

Marble Run

Balloon Powered Car

Camouflage Critters

Build a bug with Playdough

Waffle Math

Balloon / CD Hovercraft

Solar Oven S’mores

There are several good websites that offer great projects for students. I have listed them below.
If you find a project on one of these sites that your student would like to complete then
send us the link and we will look at it for approval.

All About Circuits
Spark Fun
Code.org  – Hour of Code. Beginning programming.

If your student has access to a 3D printer then these sites offer great projects.



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