Junior STEM Program

This is a free STEM program for students in the K-6th grades. 6th grade students can participate in our Senior program as a Pre-STEM student. We love the website Instructables and have selected a collection of age-appropriate projects for students to complete. Students should complete a minimum of two projects each school year.  Our school year will be from August – May.  Students are awarded certificates based on how many projects they have completed in that school year.  Certificates will be prepared as a pdf file and parents will be able to print them.

TEACHERS:  This would be a great class project. Each student would need to be enrolled.

Two projects – Bronze Certificate of STEM Achievement
Three or Four Projects – Silver Certificate of STEM Achievement
Five or Six Projects – Gold Certificate of STEM Achievement
Seven or Eight Projects – Platinum Certificate of STEM Achievement

In order to get credit for a completed project students need to do the following

1)  Make sure the parent and student has registered.  You only have to do this once. Register HERE.

2) Send a photo of the completed project.

3) Send a video of the project working. The student does not have to be in the photo, however, their voice should describe the project.

4) Send a 1/2 – 1 page description of the project talking about:
a)  Did it work the first time?
b) Did you have any problems making the project?
c) How did you solve any problems?
d) What did you learn from this project?

More details will be on the project pages.  After the parent and student are registered click on the proper age group below.

Students in the K – 3rd grades click HERE.
Students in the 4th – 6th grades click HERE.

Read HERE about the history of STEM Advancement Inc and Mississippi STEM Academy.


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