This competition is from the  Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering college of Le Tourneau University. Dr Hoo Kim, Associate Professor is the director of the competition.  Below are the email he has sent concerning the competition.  You are signed up as a team of four. Your team name is WCCA STEMGirls.

The Kick-off meeting we will miss because we will be at Harvard University. We need to watch the replay as a team and make notes.  You only have 4-5 weeks to build your device.

Watch all the below videos and make notes in your Project Notebook.
Your grade will be based on your notes.

Dear all who showed the interests in our event,

First of all, thank you so much for all your interests and willingness to encourage high school students in your area to enter this contest.

As a following step, can you please encourage your students and each team to follow the link and submit the application by Sep. 4 Sat. 5PM?

After receiving the applications, we’ll send the additional information to guide each team for the kick-off meeting and provide other helpful resources.

We have a plan to release 20 Arduino Nano Sense 33 BLE boards as we call it as “ideation week” to select top 20 teams who bring creative and fun ideas, the selected team will receive give-away boards which can be used for the contest.  

Please, also check the following information regarding the event. If there is any suggestion or question, please, let us know. Thank you.

(Note: the following is also included in the application form so that your student team may access.)

Tentative Schedule

  1. Application submission by Sep. 4 (Saturday) 5PM

  2. Kick off meeting 2nd week of Sep. 8 (Wednesday) 4PM CDT via MSTeams

  3. Mentor group connection / Team for practice project, ideation and development for their entry

  4. Sep. 18th, 3rd week or later – lab day, schools will be invited to visit LETU and Tech team students will help with hands-on sessions / will be broadcasted for remote participants and recording will be shared after the event.

  5. Oct. 3th week – submission for the final round, judging

  6. Oct. 4th week or 1st week of Nov. – Final Demo Day

Resources (pre-release – more information will be provided as contest proceeds):


Team structuring and guidance

At this moment, if you can guide students to form the team with 2 to 4 members with their team name, it would be good enough for now. After their submission of applications, students and you can attend the kick-off meeting (next Wed 4PM, Sep. 8th CDT via MSTeams) , and the kick-off meeting will guide you how to generate the account for the machine learning software (Qeexo AutoML) and also we’ll introduce the Arduino nano how it can be used. If you want to take some time to explore the feature and more detailed process, please, check the following links. This will be introduced when we have a kick-off meeting, but you may share this with your students and yourself in advance.

Regarding team formation, I believe any students who do not have much experience in STEM area would be fine although students who have interests and capability to learn quickly would be plus. The contest requests students’ ideas, so based on easy tools provided by Qeexo, I hope you include various students per group who can help each other. Moreover, successful project submission may include the implementation of real world problems so any creative building structure or decoration in the submitted project would bring fun to your students.

For example,

  1. Student 1 – Team lead

  2. Student 2 – Software lead

  3. Student 3 – Hardware lead, may use Qeexo case which your students can work with soldering experience (not required)

  4. Student 4 – Ideation and project decoration lead

    1. first/final round – demo video with the PPT presentation

    2. Final Demo day

  1.      finalists to bring the polished demo and presentation on campus (encouraged to visit LETU campus)

  2.      Any team (non-finalists) can join and place ‘poster demo booth’ on demo day at LETU campus (encouraged to visit LETU campus)

This is just example as I wish all students can help each other to develop the application.

We also have a plan to support your student teams with mentors and tech team, so, I hope this doesn’t make you too much stressful. I also attached the ‘kick-off’ tentative schedule so that you can arrange and encourage your students to participate.

Please, let me know if you have any further question. Again, we, LETU and QEexo are very excited to work with you and encourage our next generation. Thank you.

(Kick Off Meeting Tentative Schedule – Not Official Yet, for only teachers/coordinators)

For the KICK OFF meeting/presentation:

  • Intro & welcome message – Tina and Hoo

  • Competition introduction & details

    • Timeline, Logistics, Prizes – Hoo

    • Mentoring – Savanah (SWE)

    • Lab day and Tech Team – Hannah (IEEE)

  • Intro of Qeexo as a startup – Tina

  • Short machine learning explainer, targeting high school students (simple) – Tina

  • 3-minute video (last video in list above) showing what you can do with ML – Tina

  • Judging Criteria – Tina or Hoo

  • Sign-up for Qeexo AutoML together – Tina

  • Live Q&A session – Tina & Hoo


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