You will participate in the World’s First Virtual chess competition.  In order to participate you will need to learn chess, 3D print your chess pieces, & program your pieces. Competition is in February 2022.

Here is a flyer on the Chess Competition. Print it out and place it on your wall as a reminder.

Here is the link to the Chess Competition website.

Your four person team will be Ann, Ava, Brooke, and CoCo.


Learn the rules of the competition.

Learn the basics of Chess.


Review the rules as a team.  Watch these videos.   Magic of Chess   Secrets of the Chess Board   Find other videos you like and share with your team.


  1. How old is Chess?

  2. How many pieces are on the board?

  3. How many unique pieces are there?

  4. What is Checkmate?

  5. Can the King give-up on purpose?

  6. How many guidelines or principals are in a chess game? What are they?

  7. What is “control the center”?

  • As a team, make a schedule to be ready by the end of December.

  • Play each other in chess, at least, twice. That will be six games each.  Play FULL games to the end. Don’t quit at the end of a period.

  • Select a theme for your chess pieces. Consider on-line designs already made that you can modify. Don’t use the designs without modifications.

  • Decide who will create, design, and print each of the pieces. Divide the pieces evenly.  Each person should have equal designs. No one person should do all the pawns. Divide them up.


  • Play each other in chess, at least, twice. That will be six games each.  Play FULL games to the end. Don’t quit at the end of a period.

  • Start designing your chess pieces and print, at least, one of the pieces.

  • Have a team meeting and evaluate your progress and schedule. Don’t get behind schedule.

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