Engineering I (Drafting, 3D Design, 3D print)  (more details)
Make a designated object sketch from the Math for Machine Technology book using provided Isometric paper, add dimensions, 3D design the object, & 3D print the object.

Computer Science III – Learning the Python Language (Lesson 7 – Final Project) (more details)
This is the 2nd semester course in the Python Language. Assignments, quizzes, and test are given on-line.

Automation & AI I – Build and program a robot arm. (more details)
Build the robot arm. Mount the robotic arm, the arduino computer (called Hero), and the small prototype board onto a wooden board. You will learn how to program the arduino to make the arm move. We will do a variety of activities such as gripping, motion, variable speed, feedback, etc. Sensors will be used when appropriate.

Christian Apologetics (more details)
Each month read the next chapter in the book and answer questions, watch two selected short videos and answer questions.

Virtual Chess  (more details)
You will participate in the World’s First Virtual chess competition.  In order to participate you need to learn chess, 3D print your chess pieces, program your pieces. Competition is in February 2022.

Intro to Virtual Reality Using the Unreal Software Engine (more details)
STEM students are to work these Virtual Reality Lessons from Lobaki. This is a continuation from last semester.

Introduction to Drones

Practical Finance I (more details)

Each month you will examine the practical aspects of money. You will have practical exercises to complete.

Soft Robotics Lab #1 (more details)

This lab will be based on the Harvard University Soft Robotics curriculum.

Lab #2 

Machine Learning Competition – Le Tourneau University (details)







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